Personal Profile for David Hsu (President of New Century AAA Inc.):
**Personal Profile(in English)
**Personal Profile(in Chinese)
About Us
Our company has succeeded because we cater to manufacturers like you. We provide assistance to deal with government regulations, to come up with patentable ideas and file for patent application, to establish or improve quality assurance and sanitation programs, or to develop new product/processing technologies, so that you can achieve higher margin on your bottom line.
The secret of our success includes:
Advanced and diversified experience in the food/health food/drug/medical
devices/cosmetic product industries.
Value-oriented philosophy.
Unsurpassed service.
Commitment to total quality.
Advanced and diversified experience in food/health food/drug/medical
devices/cosmetic product industries
-Our expertise ranges from quality assurannce, regulation compliance, product and processing development, engineering, microbiology, chemistry, to marketing research, etc. Our service covers food, health food (nutraceutical), seafood, consumer product, and medical device industries. We have special technologies in dairy, non dairy, beverage and bakery areas. We have special contracted professional that can develop formulas for flavor and
fragrance industries. We also provide services for Chinese language translation and Asian market development.
Value-oriented philosophy
-We understand you need to make profit. Wee will provide the very best value for your money, and we also realize that we can prosper only if you
succeed, we would like to be part of your success.
Unsurpassed service
-We listen to you, and we learn about yourr needs. When we gather our highly intelligent minds together to come out with one (or more) very best action plans for you. Close communication is essential. We strive to maintain awareness of your needs on a continuing basis, and work with you until you are completely satisfied. Our service guarantees best response time. Being located at the center of the world's most advanced country in food processing, we have the access to the best and state-of-the-art technologies. We can provide you with the world's newest food processing information on a constant basis.
Commitment to total quality
-Our world class manufacturing philosophy includes:
Establish a total quality team work spirit that emphasize group cooperation.
Meeting and exceeding all laws of U.S. or foreign countries.
Establish an audit system that any advice or product we send to you would be double checked by another specialist to make sure that it's in your best
interest and meets our standards.
Emphasize preventive quality assurance system.